Stigmata includes the following files:

ascii.dat.sample	--sample ascii.dat file
helpfile.html		--part of HTML documentation 
index.html		--open this HTML document with a Web browser for documentation
makefile		--makefile for stigmata
makefilexv		--makefile for xvstigmata
paper.html		--part of HTML documentation
runstig.html		--part of HTML documentation
runxvstig.html		--part of HTML documentation
sample.gif		--used in HTML documentation
sample.smi		--sample stigmata input file
sample.stig		--sample stigmata output file (TDT) format
sample2.gif		--used in HTML documentation
sample2.stig		--sample stigmata outputfile
second.smi		--sample file for modal export option
stigmata.c		--stigmata source code
stigmata.html		--part of HTML documentation
thresh.script*		--example script to run stigmata at several thresholds
unbundle.html		--part of HTML documentation
xvstigmata.c		--source for xvstigmata
xvstigmata4colors.c	--source for xvstigmata (4 color scheme)