Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


merlinwho - list current users of servers and databases

Unix Synopsis

merlinwho [options ...] [servername|database ...]


merlinwho connect to one or more Merlin servers and/or databases, and print a list of all current users of those objects. If no servers or databases are named, the current host (see hostname(1)) is used.

For historical reasons, thorwho and merlinwho are maintained as separate programs. However, in fact there is only one program ("daywho" would be a better name), which knows how to connect to both Thor and Merlin. The only difference between the two is the default service -- thorwho uses "thor" as the default service, and merlinwho uses "merlin".


The following options are common to most or all "thorfilter" programs. They are described in more detail in thorfilters(1).


TRUE means don't allow passwords on the command line (require interactive entry). Default: TRUE.
(merlinwho) Names the default TCP/IP service or "port" of the Merlin server. Default: merlin.

Return Value

Returns status zero if it was able to connect to the server(s) and database(s) and list the users, or non-zero otherwise.


List all clients currently using the pool "medchem95" on a merlin server on machine "santafe":
merlinwho spresi95@santafe:merlin



Daylight License

programs: merlin (for merlinwho)

Related Topics

dayevict(1) daymessage(1) merlindbping(1) merlinload(1) merlinls(1) merlinping(1) thorchange(1) thorcrunch(1) thordbinfo(1) thordbping(1) thordelete(1) thordestroy(1) thordiff(1) thordump(1) thorlist(1) thorload(1) thorlookup(1) thorls(1) thormake(1) thorping(1)

sthorman(1) thorserver(1) merlinserver(1) licensing(5)

Daylight Theory Manual, Daylight System Administration Manual


None known.