kmodes [options] in.tdt [out.tdt]

  options ...... options, see below
  in.tdt ....... readable .tdt file containing FP data
  out.tdt ...... writable file to receive .tdt output (default: stdout)

    -k  <modals>.......... number of modes to find (default: 100 or count of
                           input seeds)
    -seeds  <seed_file>... tdt file of initial modals/seeds (default: none)
    -d  <cluster_size>.... if a cluster drops below this size due to
                           relocations, eliminate it (default: 0)
    -fast  <threshold>.... percentage of relocations in a pass to terminate
                           terminate processing (default: 0.0)
    -partition ........... don't relocate modals; one pass assignment only
    -nomove .............. don't relocate during initial assignments
    -random .............. pick random seeds (default: don't)
    -randseed <###>....... pick random seeds, use value as randomizer seed
    -expr  <user_expr>.... use user_expr for comparison (default: tanimoto)
    -comparison [DISTANCE|SIMILARITY]
                  ........ relative goodness of expr values (default: similarity)
    -JP_RUNID val ........ identify run by `val' (default: don't) [-id]
    -in val .............. use fingerprints with id `val' (default: first)
    -min val ............. use seed fingerprints with id `val' (default: first)
    -RECORD_COUNT val .... expect `val' structures (default: 10000) [-m]

  NOTE: For the comparison option, DISTANCE means "lower is better"
        while SIMILARITY means "higher is better" for the computed
        expression values.  The program will attempt to figure out the
        direction of the expression.  This option is only needed if
        the automatic computation is incorrect.

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Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc.
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John Bradshaw.