Plans / Futures / Projects

Jack Delany

DAYLIGHT Chemical Information Systems, Inc. Mission Viejo, CA USA

Release Schedule:

The current release is 4.83. It is a patch release of 4.81, and includes bug fixes and new features. There is an additional Daycart download which adds support for 10g, and international charactersets (daycart483e1.tar.gz). We have no plans for further 4.8x patch releases, but would provide them if needed to support older customer platforms.

4.9 Platform Support:

Platform Trends...

4.9 Items:

General Toolkits / Tools:

Daycart / Oracle Developments:



SMILES/SMARTS/SMIRKS unification - Version 5

We're starting to create the design for SMILES5; the work is very preliminary and we've been discussing, both internally and with customers, the needs. This is a brief outline of what was discussed at the meeting...