Daylight v4.9
Release Date: 1 February 2008


dt_setbondstyle - specify a chiral bond style of a depiction

Generic Prototype

dt_setbondstyle(dt_Handle, dt_Handle atom, dt_Handle bond,
dt_Integer value) => dt_Boolean

C Prototype

#include "dt_depict.h"

dt_Boolean dt_setbondstyle(dt_Handle depiction, dt_Handle atom, dt_Handle bond, dt_Integer value)

FORTRAN Prototype

include ''

logical dt_f_setbondstyle(depiction, atom, bond, style)

integer*4 depiction
integer*4 atom
integer*4 bond
integer*4 value


Sets the chiral bond style of a depiction using a symbolic constant from the "bond-rendition attributes" defined in the dt_depict.h header file, such as a wedge (DX_EDGE_IS_TRI_OUT) or a hash (DX_EDGE_IS_HASH_OUT). In the case of a bond between a chiral center and an atom in a double bond, the value may be a bitwise OR that includes cis or trans information (e.g., DX_EDGE_IS_TRI_OUT | DX_EDGE_IS_TEE_IN). To "unset" a bond style, call this routine with the unspecified style (DX_EDGE_RESET).

This routine can be used in conjuction with dt_calcxy() or dt_setbondstyles(3) to control the layout of a depiction.

Return Value

Returns the success (TRUE) or failure (FALSE) of the operation.

Related Topics

dt_bondstyle(3) dt_calcxy(3) dt_setbondstyles(3)